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Version: 5.32

SSH access

Sometimes you'd like more control over your Charge Controller, or you'd like to automate parts of your End-of-Line procedure, or perform advanced operations. That's where the SSH interface comes into play.

Potential for irreversible damage

Performing actions through SSH comes with its own risks. Only have trained personel perform SSH operations.

1. Requirements

  • Connect your computer to the Charge Controller through USB (CONFIG USB port) or LAN

2. SSH default credentials

UsernameDefault passwordInfo
rootorange_zoneYou won't be able to SSH into the Charge Controller with root access if it has been Eichrecht-locked

3. Establishing a SSH connection

  1. Open a terminal that supports the SSH protocol
  2. SSH into the Charge Controller by running the following command:
  1. Enter the password for the user charge (check above for the default credentials)

You should now be logged in per SSH.


You might get a warning about certificate authenticity. Enter "yes" and press Enter to continue.

Example output
The authenticity of host '<IP ADDRESS>' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:<HASH>
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

4. Common SSH operations


Most standard Linux commands work on the Charge Controller.

ping IP_ADDRESSPing network devices to test discoverability by the Charge Controller
tail -f /log/messagesContinuously read out the last 10 lines of the log
tail -f /log/messages | grep ocpp_msgContinuously read out the last 10 lines of the log and filter it