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End of Line

1. Overview

This document describes possibilities for manufacturers to automate factory end-of-line configuration and testing as well as field service.

The main use cases are:

  • Automate configuration of charging stations in the factory end-of-line
  • Automate testing of the charging station in the factory end-of-line
  • Configure spare part controller for field service

2. Configuration of Bender Charge Controller

2.1. Configuration storage

All deviation from the standard configuration of the charge controller software is stored in the directory /home/charge/persistency. This directory is accessible with manufacturer credentials only and should be accessed with the user charge.

Each configuration item is placed in a separate file.

charge@-$ cd /home/charge/persistency/

charge@-/persistency$ ll

-rw-r--r-- 1 charge charge 24 Oct 4 2023 WebUILanguage_web
-rw-r--r-- 1 charge charge 20 Jan 1 00:44 WebUIStyle_web
-rw-r--r-- 1 charge charge 14336 Jan 1 00:00 ebee.sql

charge@-/persistency$ tail -n +1 _

13423 2a3a02815
13423 2a3a02815

A single configuration file typically consists of two lines:

  • Line 1 contains the actual setting.
  • Line 2 contains the version identifier of the software with which the configuration has been originally generated. This line is currently not interpreted by the controller software (but might be in future). The second line is helpful for analysis of field issues as well.

A list of the available configuration items can be found in the controller documentation, URL on the Charge Controller.

2.2. Configuration using Operator Default values

Customers with Operator role credentials can configure a charging station to suit their needs. This includes connecting the station to a specific backend, changing the language, or enabling load management functionalities.

There may be situations where the station is configured in such a way that it no longer functions properly. In such cases, the station can be reset to Operator Defaults, which are predefined by the manufacturer of the charging station.

A reset to Operator Defaults removes all configuration settings made by the operator, such as backend configurations, but retains the hardware configuration set by the manufacturer. Manufacturers may also provide custom default operator settings that will be applied after a reset to Operator Defaults.

To define these default settings, use the following URL:

Operator Default configuration settings are stored in a file with the suffix _default. Operator settings take priority over Operator Default settings during normal operation. For example, if the backend URL is set to ws://my-operator.backend/configuration, this will be used by the software. However, after a reset to Operator Defaults, the backend URL will revert to the manufacturer-defined default, such as ws://manufacturer.backend/configuration.

charge@-/persistency$ ll ∗Json ∗

-rw-r--r-- 1 charge charge 54 Jan 1 1970 JsonOCPPBackendURL_tcpip -rw-r--r-- 1 charge charge 37 Jan 1 1970 JsonOCPPBackendURL_tcpip_default

charge@-/persistency$ tail-n *1 ∗Json ∗

⇒JsonOCPPBackendURL_tcpip ⇐
13423 2a3a02815
⇒JsonOCPPBackendURL_tcpi_default ⇐
13423 2a3a02815charge@-/persistency$

2.3. Configuration of charging stations with two controllers

Double socket charging stations use two controllers, of which one is leading (Master) and the other is following (Slave). Both controllers manage charging of electric vehicles independently. The Master controller is additionally tasked with connecting to a backend system or an energy management solution. Therefore, all configuration items fall under one of the following scopes:

  • Master: The configuration item applies to the Master controller only.
  • Both: The configuration items apply to both controllers. The setting of the Master controller will be automatically synchronized to the Slave controller.
  • Individual: The setting in both controllers might differ from one another.

The table at URL shows the Master-Slave scope per each configuration setting.

2.4. Applying the configuration

Using the web interface, many settings are applied immediately after saving. However, some settings—such as DLM or backend configurations—require a restart of the charge controller application to take effect.

A software restart can be initiated by clicking the Save & Soft Restart button on the manufacturer configuration page. For network-related settings or changes to the Master/Slave setup, a full controller reboot is required, which can be triggered using the Save & Restart button.

If the configuration is copied to the charging station via SSH/SCP, none of the settings will take effect until the charge controller is restarted or rebooted. A restart of the controller software application can also be triggered remotely using a command from a remote computer.

curl -d "SUBMITTYPE=6d" -u manufacturer:orange_zone

This command mimics the action of clicking the "Save & Soft Restart" button in the manufacturer settings interface.

3. Procedures and tools to automate configuration

3.1. Configuration with the web interface

All parameters of the charge controller can be accessed using the web interface. The web interface provides a dashboard that shows a status of active functions and any error messages. This type of configuration is suitable for field service, development, qualification, and production preparation purposes.

To configure a double socket charger, connect to the USB CONFIG of the Slave controller and select the controller to be configured.

3.2. Configuration with a USB memory stick

USB memory sticks can be used to import settings to the charge controller or to perform firmware updates. The memory stick is connected to the charge controller via the USB host interface (USB type A port). The status LED on the charge controller indicates when the USB memory stick can be removed. Access to the charge controller's configuration memory is controlled via the manufacturer and operator roles, including associated passwords.

By combining different USB sticks, basic configurations and product variants can be efficiently imported in small batch productions. The USB sticks can also be used for field service and for spare parts management. The USB stick can be connected to an Android smartphone and parameters can be modified using a text editor for Android.


It is recommended to limit the USB memory stick functions on delivered charging stations to the necessary extent or - if the interface cannot be physically protected against unauthorized access - to deactivate it completely

3.3. Configuration with shell scripts

The charge controller can be accessed using Secure Shell (SSH) or Secure Copy (SCP) protocol on the USB CONFIG or the Ethernet interface. The controller uses ash as shell environment. This configuration option is well suited for automating the configuration of charge controllers in medium volume production.

Parameters can be uploaded via the interface by transferring the configuration files, and firmware updates can be performed. It is also possible to set individual serial numbers and passwords for the charge controllers.

The SSH interface can in principle also be used via GSM, Ethernet and WIFI, but should then be secured by device-specific passwords. Alternatively, physically unsecured interfaces should be disabled by appropriate configuration parameters.

  • After transferring or creating files using SSH or SCP, use the sync command to ensure writing the changes to the flash storage before turning the device off.
  • To configure double socket stations, connect to the Master controller using port 23 on the Slave controller.

3.4. Configuration with test adapter application

For partial and fully automated medium and large-scale production, a test adapter application can be transferred and started on the RAM drive of the charge controller via SSH/SCP.

You will receive the text adapter application by contacting your technical account manager or by writing an E-Mail.

Open a terminal in the folder you have saved the file in. In the following the example the file is safed under Download:

User/Downloads$ scp ta_eolt_stripped root@

root@'s password:

You have now installed the test adapter on the RAM drive of your controller.

To access the test adapter via the web interface, you need to execute ta_eolt_stripped file on the root directory on the Charge Controller:

User/Downloads$ ssh -O root@

root@'s password:

root@-# chmod +x /tmp/ta_eolt_stripped

root@-# /tmp/ta_eolt_stripped

The application stops the controller software application. You can then open the interface through the address through which all hardware functions of the charge controller can be tested for function together with connected peripherals. 


Some settings, such as the Master/Slave configuration, require the controller software to interpret the newly applied configuration and perform a reboot to activate it. As a result, two reboots are necessary to fully apply the setting after the configuration process.

4. Installing firmware updates

To update the firmware of a controller from a remote computer the following example command may be used:

  • Transfer the software to the charge controller, using the command:
    scp ebee_firmware_full_5.29.1-13419_V1.1.2-d-10-g45c0153_Paris.deb charge@
  • Perform the firmware update, using the command:
    ssh -O charge@ /usr/bin/opkg --force-reinstall install /home/charge/sw_update.deb
  • Delete the firmware file from the controller after the update was applied
    ssh -O charge@ rm /home/charge/sw_update.deb
  • Restart the controller to finalize the update
    ssh -O charge@ reboot

After applying the firmware update via command line, the controller will not restart immediately, but latest after 15 minutes (5.30.x). Earlier controller software versions will restart slightly earlier. This behavior should allow to run test with the EoL test adapter in parallel to a firmware update.