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Firmware Management

You need a current firmware version in the form of a '.deb' file, which, as an Bender customer, you recieve through your SVN access at You can also obtain the required version through a service ticket.

  • Do not interrupt the update process under any circumstances, as an incomplete update will render the controller unusable and must be sent in
  • No downgrades are possible

1. Updating via the backend

Usually, firmware updates occur automatically with backend connection. If this is not the case for you, provide the '.deb' file of the current firmware version to your backend operator and contact them for assistance.

2. USB-stick firmwareupdate

USB stick config

You need an empty USB stick formatted with the Windows FAT32 file system

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Operator Login Credentials
  2. Under SYSTEM > USB security USB Firmware Update On
  3. Save the firmware update installation file in ".deb" format in the root directory of the USB stick (alongside the password file, if not present create a .txt file that holds the manufacturer password and name it "USB_PASSWORD") under the name "sw_update.deb"
  4. Insert the USB stick into the charge controller and wait until the update is completed. The entire process may take up to 15 minutes. You can monitor the update status based on the three LED lights of the controller

After a successful update, the controller will automatically restart. If no further actions are prompted by the stick, then the process is complete. The controller will indicate this by having the green "READY" LED blink rapidly. You can then remove the USB stick.


If two charging points are connected with a USB cable (as in the case of an ebee dual charging station) and you insert the USB stick into the gateway controller, the update will be automatically applied to both charging points. If you wish to avoid this, you can save an empty file on your USB stick with the name "FW_UPDATE_LOCAL". This file should also not have a file extension.

2.1. USB Stick Features

To automatically configure the controller using a USB flash drive, the USB Config Update function under SYSTEM > USB Security must be enabled in the Operator Menu.

The simplest method is to extract log files from a properly configured Charge Controller using the user interface or SSH. These settings will appear as individual files in the persistency folder.

  1. To change them, you can edit them directly in Notepad++ or an alternative text editor. A list of all the parameters and their setting range, you can find under DOCUMENTATION > OCPP Keys on the user interface.

  2. You can then save all the parameters or files you have changed in a newly created folder named sw_config in the root folder of the stick.


Only parameters that do not correspond to the controller's basic settings are saved.
Do not edit the second line. The versioning code must remain unchanged.

  1. Then delete all other files and folders on the stick except the password file.
  2. When you plug the stick into the controller to be configured, the controller will automatically adopt all the parameters from the sw_config folder and overwrite the old settings. After rebooting the controller, you can remove the stick.

The following configuration files must NOT be transferred to other charging points without further ado, as they always apply individually to a specific controller:

  • ActuatorType_vehicleif
  • ChargePointUUID_ocpp
  • CurrentMonth_dl
  • DataConsumptionLastMonth_dl
  • DataConsumption_dl
  • HeartBeatInterval_ocpp
  • MeterSerial_meter
  • SIMCardPinNumber_modem
  • SchukoNumberContactorCycles_vehicleif
  • SysTime_mon
  • Type2NumberContactorCycles_vehicleif
  • AdcCpCalibrationCfg_vehicleif
  • ebee.sql
  • all .csv files

2.2. Copy configurations from one Charge Controller to another

1. Format a USB stick in FAT32 formatting
  1. Plug in the USB stick into the computer
  2. Right-click on the USB drive and select format
  3. Select FAT32 as file system and format the USB stick
2. Create password file
  1. Create a text file in the root folder and name it: “USB_PASSWORD”
  2. Use a text editor to enter the manufacturer/operator password in the file. Save it.
  3. Remove the “.txt” ending of the file
3. Create config files
  1. Create a text file in the root folder and name it: “FIELD_ENGINEER”
  2. Remove the “.txt” ending of the file
4. Plug the USB Stick into the charge controller
  1. Plug the USB Stick into the USB port of the charge controller
  2. The Controller will start flashing all three LEDs
  3. Wait 2 minutes until the “Ready LED” flashes once a second
5. Unplug the USB stick
  1. Unplug the USB stick and put it into the USB port of the computer
  2. Now you can find the folder "persistency" on the USB stick
6. Prepare configuration files to copy the configuration the additional Charge Controllers
  1. Persistency files contain the current configuration
  2. Rename the "persistency" folder to “sw_config” folder
  3. Only keep the “sw_config” folder and USB password file on the USB stick
Make sure that the following files are NOT in the "sw_config" folder
  • ActuatorType_vehicleif
  • ChargePointUUID_ocpp
  • CurrentMonth_dl
  • DataConsumptionLastMonth_dl
  • DataConsumption_dl
  • HeartBeatInterval_ocpp
  • MeterSerial_meter
  • SIMCardPinNumber_modem
  • SchukoNumberContactorCycles_vehicleif
  • SysTime_mon
  • Type2NumberContactorCycles_vehicleif
  • AdcCpCalibrationCfg_vehicleif
  • ebee.sql
  • .csv files
7. Copy configuration on additional charge controllers
  1. Insert the USB stick into the USB port of a charge controller
  2. Within a few seconds the configuration will be copied to the charge controller

3. OPKG Update

  • a device with OPKG as the package manager
  • SSH access to the device
  • WinSCP and PuTTY (if needed)
  • Network connection to the device

3.1. Upload the File to the Controller

There are two ways to transfer the update file to the controller:

3.1.1. Using WinSCP

  1. Open WinSCP
  2. Select the SCP Protocol
  3. Enter the following connection details:
    • Server Address:
    • Port Number: 22
    • Username: charge or root
    • Password: Manufacturer Password (default: orange_zone)
  4. Click Login
  5. Once Connected,drag&drop the update file into the /home/charge/ directory

3.1.2. Using SCP (Command Line_Without SCP)

If you prefer not to use WinSCP, you can transfer the file using scp via the command line.

Use the scp update.deb charge@ command to copy the update.deb in to the /home/charge/ directory.

3.2. Execute Update via SSH (PuTTY)

  1. Open PuTTY
  2. Enter the devices Host Name (or IP Address)
  3. Ensure the Port is set tp 22 and the connection type is SSH
  4. Click Open to establish the connection
  5. Log ins as user charge (enter the password and press Enter, it will not be displayed, which is normal)
  6. Use the command ls. All available files are now displayed, including the update file.
  7. Use the command opkg install update.deb to start the installation process.

You can also rename the file in advance to choose a simpler name.

3.3. Deleting the firmware

After the update is completed, the update file needs to be deleted from the Charge Controller.

  1. Access the Controller through WinSCP
  2. Delete the file from the /home/charge/ directory

30 minutes after completing the update, the Charge Controlle will automatically start a reboot.

4. Interface firmwareupdate

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Operator Login Credentials
  2. Under SYSTEM > Firmware Update seletct Select file (.deb)
  3. Choose the .deb file you want to install
  4. Click Open
  5. Click Install

To perform the update, you first need to access the controller's configuration interface. Under the SYSTEM > Firmware Update, you will find the Select file (.deb) button. Click on this button and select the installation file of the new firmware in the pop-up window. It must have the file extension ".deb". Confirm the selection by clicking Open. Once the selection is made, you can initiate the update by clicking Install.