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Version: 5.33

Electrical Flow Management

The Charge Controller offers a feature for managing the current or power output.
Regulating the output helps

  • protecting electrical components
  • preventing overload situations on the main fuses in the installation
  • ensuring that the Charge Controller is operating within local grid requirements
  • operating the chargers within contractual peak load boundaries or cost saving measures

1. High level overview

ParameterSet byLocationHardware contextInfo
Charging Station Hardware Current Limit [A]ManufacturerLegacy Config UI > Manufacturer
  • Standalone Charging Station
  • Double Charging Station with single feed
Defines the current-carrying capacity of a Charging Outlet and electrical components leading to it.
Charging Station Installation Current Limit [A]Operator or InstallerConfig UI > INSTALLATION > General Installation
  • Standalone Charging Station
  • Double Charging Station with a dedicated feed per connector
Defines the current carrying capacity of the upstream installation of a Charging Outlet.
Operator Current Limit [A]Operator or InstallerConfig UI > LOAD MANAGEMENT > Local
  • Standalone Charging Station
  • Double Charging Station
Defines the maximum charging current of a Charging Outlet.
Charging Station Current Limitenabled by Manufacturer

modified by Operator Installer
Config UI > INSTALLATION > General Installation
  • Double Charging Station with single feed
Dynamically balances the available current on Double Charging Stations with a single feeding cable between the connectors. The setting is only visible to Installers and Operators if enabled by the Manufacturer`
Power LimitInstallerConfig UI > LOAD MANAGEMENT > Local
  • Standalone Charging Station
  • Double Charging Station
Limits the power supplied to a Charging Outlet. Helps to fulfill electrical grid regulations.

2. Relationship between the limits

2.1. Priority order

  1. Hardware Current Limit
  2. Installation Current Limit
  3. Operator Current Limit
  4. Charging Station Current Limit
  5. Power Limit
  6. DLM settings

2.2. Value relationship

In words:

  • Hardware Current Limit has to be smaller than or equal to Power Limit
  • Power Limit has to be smaller than or equal to Charging Station Current Limit
  • Charging Station Current Limit has to be smaller than or equal to Operator Current Limit
  • Operator Current Limit has to be smaller than or equal to Installation Current Limit
  • Either the Charging Station Current Limit or the Charging Station Installation Current Limit takes effect.

3. Hardware Current Limit

  1. Log in to the Legacy Config UI using the Manufacturer Login Credentials
  2. Under Manufacturer set Charging Station single feed to On
  3. At the bottom of the Config UI, click
  4. Under Manufacturer > Master/Slave Mode set the Charging Station Hardware Current Limit [A] to the desired value
  5. At the bottom of the Config UI, click , then click to apply the changes

3.1. Explanation

  • Defined by the maximum current-carrying capacity of
    • the outlet or fixed charging cable
    • of built-in or required protection devices
    • energy meters
    • contactor
    • relays
  • Can be set in steps of 1A from 6A to 80A.
  • Typical values are
    • 16A
    • 20A
    • 32A
    • 63A

4. Installation Current Limit

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Installer Login Credentials
  2. Under INSTALLATION > General Installation set the Charging Station Installation Current Limit [A]
  3. At the bottom of the Config UI, click , then click to apply the changes

4.1. Explanation

  • Is ≤ Hardware Current Limit
  • Defined by the current-carrying capacity of the installation cables, protection elements or external meters
  • Can be set in steps of 1A from 6A to 80A
  • Setting requires local access to the charger

5. Operator Current Limit

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Operator Login Credentials
  2. Under LOAD MANAGEMENT > Local set the Operator Current Limit [A] and Operator Current Limit [A] to the desired values
  3. At the bottom of the Config UI, click , then click to apply the changes

Defines the maximum charging current for the connector. Context: Single and dual connector charger

5.1. Explanation

  • Is ≤ Installation Current Limit
  • Operators may set a limit for contractual reasons
  • Can be set in steps of 1A from 6A to 80A also during charging sessions

6. Charging Station Current Limit

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Installer Login Credentials
  2. Under INSTALLATION > General Installation set the Charging Station Installation Current Limit [A]
  3. At the bottom of the Config UI, click , then click to apply the changes

6.1. Explanation

  • The Manufacturer of a charging stations may enable the function with the parameter Charging Station with single feed in the Master/Slave settings of both charge controllers
  • When enabled, the Manufacturer may set the Charging Station Hardware Current Limit on the Master controller in increments of 1A in the range of 0 to 160 A (default value: 64 A)
  • In case the station can be used with either one or two feeding cables, the Manufacturer should enable the option Setting 'Charging Station with single feed' is available to Installer on the Master controller. This allows the installer to set the chosen installation option
  • When the function is enabled, installers may define a Charging Station Installation Current Limit in increments of 1A in the range of 0 to 160 A (default value: 64 A). This limit replaces the connector-specific Installation Current Limit
  • The function may be combined with the Dynamic Load Balancing

7. Power Limit

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Installer Login Credentials
  2. Under LOAD MANAGEMENT > Local turn Power Limiter Mode On
  3. At the bottom of the Config UI, click , then click to apply the changes

7.1. Explanation

  • The Installer can enable the function in the Load Management section with Power Limiter Mode
  • The function considers the hot phases and calculates the current accordingly to not exceed the set maximum
  • In manual configuration, the power limit can be chosen in 1 W increments between 4.140 and 43.000 Watt
  • The progressive mode assumes a single-phase car and reduces the current after one minute when more phases are used. The conservative mode assumes a three-phase car and increased the current when less phases are used
  • The option Slow charging (Austria) limits the maximum power to 5.5 kW per connector, using the progressive mode
  • On dual connector chargers, the limit will be applied to both connectors individually