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Servicing & Troubleshooting

  • The contact person for operators is the respective charging station manufacturer. They need the diagnostic file and the additional information described in the introduction. Charging station manufacturers can contact Bender Tech Support.
  • Get in touch with your support agent for guidance on your technical errors. The agent will inform you on which logging configuration to set for your case.

1. Introduction

Complex technical systems can sometimes enter unexpected and undesirable states. Some of these issues can be resolved by repeating the customer interaction or by restarting one or more parts of the system. If a problem occurs more frequently, the manufacturers of the respective system components can often provide further assistance.

The manufacturer will analyze and evaluate the configuration and state of the system, as well as its interaction with other third-party components. Diagnostic data, which shows the current or recently past operational state, can aid in this analysis.

The diagnostic file of the charge controller is usually the most relevant data source. In many cases, additional information is helpful to obtain a complete picture of the situation.

Relevant questions:

  • What error pattern does the user or technician on-site observe? Error pattern means: What is the deviation of the actual behavior from the expected behavior?
  • What is the status of the device's display elements (display messages, blinking behavior of the HMI and the charge controller)?
  • Which vehicle (type, model year) was being charged when the problem occurred?
  • Are there any information or diagnostic data available from other system components, such as the backend or energy manager / DLM master?
  • For complex systems and load management issues: Is there documentation of the entire system, including wiring diagrams?

2. Diagnostics Files

Diagnostics files (Log Files) are computer-generated data files that record usage patterns, activities, and operations in systems, applications, servers, or network devices. They serve as the primary data source for network observability, offering insights into performance and resource optimization.

2.1. Download

2.1.1. Download Diagnostics files via OCPP

You have the option to download the diagnostic files via OCPP. For information regarding this process, please contact your backend provider.

When the charging station is setup as double charging station, the diagnostics file for the slave controller is to be found under home/charge/temp within the diagnostics file of the master controller.

2.1.2. Download Diagnostics files via the WebUI

For double charging stations to have do download the diagnostics files for both master and slave separately.

ScopeLocation in Config UIFieldValueContents
OperatorDIAGNOSTICS > LogsDownload DiagnosticsDownloadDownloads the logs and setting files as a zip file
Download Diagnostics 2DownloadIf applicable: Downloads the logs and setting files of the Slave Controller as a zip file
  • This operation may take a few minutes depending on the size of the logs.
  • Don't refresh or leave the page until the download is completed.

2.1.3. Download Diagnostics files via USB Prerequisites
  • You will need an empty USB stick that is formatted with the Windows FAT32 file system. Most USB sticks come pre-formatted this way
  • You will need a password file on your USB stick to ensure only authorized personnel can access the controller’s USB function. Place the file in the root directory and name it “USB_PASSWORD.” It should contain the operator password in plain text. If unchanged, the password is yellow_zone.s To create the file, open Windows Notepad, enter the password, and save it as “USB_PASSWORD” without the “.txt” extension
  • Login onto the Dashboard. Under SYSTEM>USB Security turn on USB Field Engineer and USB script execution Setup
1. Create the FIELD_ENGINEER file
  1. Preparation: Insert an empty USB stick into your computer.
  2. Open Notepad: Open the Windows Notepad application.
  3. Save As: Click on Save As in the empty file
  4. Enter Filename: In the pop-up window, enter the filename FIELD_ENGINEER.
  5. Remove File Extension: Ensure that no file extension such as .txt is added.
2. Insert the USB stick into the controller
  1. Insert USB Stick: Insert the USB stick into the controller of the charging point.
  2. Wait: The controller will write all log files, status, and configuration information to the USB stick. This process can take up to two minutes.
  3. Completion Indicator: The process is complete when the green, red and blue LED are changing rapidly (CC612: Ready LED blinking green every 30 seconds).
  4. Remove USB Stick: Remove the USB stick from the controller.
3. Locate log and configuration files on the USB stick
  1. Find Folder: On the USB stick, locate a folder that starts with cp-.
  2. Persistency Folder: Inside this folder, there is a folder named persistency.
  3. Open Files: The files within this folder contain the configuration parameters.
4. Review configuration parameters
  1. Open with text editor: Open the file with your text editor of choice
  2. Parameters and Versioning: The first line of each file shows the parameter setting, and the second line contains a code that describes the versioning of the configuration parameter.
  3. If you are working with a Master/Slave Setup, the file contains another zip file called connector2 that provides all the information for the Slave controller.

2.2. Diagnostics files content

The diagnostics file is a zip file that needs to be extracted. The diagnostics file then presents the following structure. 2

home/charge/diagnostics/The file contains the tcpdump (information regarding the network communication) in the form of pcap-files.
home/charge/persistency/Contains all the settings of the Charge controller.
home/charge/state/msg_que/All the messages that have not been send to the backend yet.
home/charge/state/slave_seen.infProvides information wether a Master/Slave connection has already been established.
home/charge/.ash_historyCommand history of the Charge Controller.
home/charge/dlm.htmlProvides the state information of the DLM-Master.
home/charge/status.htmlProvides the state information of the System but without declaring the versions of the sub controller components.
home/charge/system.htmlThe versions of the different sub controller components.
home/charge/user.logsExcerpts from the other logs.
log/emergencyImportant log files. The file does not rotate.
log/messagesThe currently running log file.
log/messages.0The previously saved log files (also messages.1, messages.2, messages.3, messages.4).
log/system_hash.logIt is created at every system startup and compared with the original hash from target_hash.log.
log/target_hash.logIn the file, the hashes that are generated during locking with Eichrecht are stored.
tmp/diagThe diagnostic file of the slave controller.

2.3. Adjust Diagnostics Settings

The Log Level determines the amount of information provided by the logs.

ScopeLocation in Config UIFieldValueContents
OperatorSystem > GeneralLog Level LOG_LEVEL_DBGrecommended in most cases
LOG_LEVEL_INFOProvides less information than LOG_LEVEL_DBG

2.3.1. Log level by component

In addition to the Log Level , you can change the Log Level by component to suit your logging needs.

The diagnostics files are rotating. The higher the log level is, the faster is the rotating. The log levels also have a different reach providing more information. See the Config UI > DOCUMENTATION page for an extensive list of component names. The possible log level are:

TRACEVerbose debug information meant for programmers only
VDBGVery detailed debug information for programmers and customers
DBGDetailed debug information for programmers and customers
INFOInformational, providing high level understanding of system behavior
WARNWarning if correct behavior cannot not be ensured, but the state is recoverable
ERRFatal system errors, should be very rare
USER_INFOStripped down info based on the INFO diagnostic File
USER_WARNStripped down info based on the WARN diagnostic File
USER_ERRStripped down info based on the ERR diagnostic File Setting the Log Level by component via OCPP

This parameter allows to set different log levels for different software components. The string consists of a comma separated list of component names and component log levels. When setting the log level by component via OCPP the string itself always stays the same.


The command for setting the log level by component may change depending on the backend provider. For example, the string to set log level TRACE for the BACKEND component and VDBG for the RCMB component may look like so:

loglevelcomponents:BACKEND=TRACE,RCMB=VDBG Setting the Log Level by component via the WebUI
  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Operator Login Credentials
  2. Under SYSTEM > General set the Log Level by component
  3. At the bottom of the Config UI, click , then click to apply the changes

2.3.2. Log encryption

See here.

2.3.3. Loggable components

ComponentInternal name (use this when setting the log level)Info
Dynamic Load ManagementDLM
PIC24For (Mennekes) HMI
General Purpose Input OutputGPIO
The AC/DC sensitive residual currentmonitoring module RCMB104RCMB
Electrical MeterMETER
Type 2 Charging Socket StateSOCKETTYPE2
Schuko wallplugSCHUKO
OCPP communicationOCPP
GSM communicationGSM
ISO 15118P15118
Vehicle state (is the car connected?, are the doors closed?, temperature, ...)VEHICLEIF
Humidity sensorHUMIDITY_SENSOR
Component ManagerCOMPONENT_MGR
I2C communication (RFID)I2C
Auth input I/O stateAUTH_INPUT
Home Energy Management SystemHEMS
Master and Slave informationMASTER_SLAVE
Modbus relatedMODBUS_RTU
Modbus relatedMODBUS_DEVICE
Time relatedTIMEZONE
Fast Charging through DCCCS_MODE4
USB hotplugging statusUSB_HOTPLUG
Master-Slave CommunicationMS_COMM
SU CommunicationSU_COMM
WebSocket ServerWS_SERVER
Energy ManagerENERGY_MAN

3. Diagnostics

Errors can be diagnosed using the LED on the HMI HMI (RFID105/110/117) as well as through the Configuration Interface of the Charge Controller:

  1. Log in to the Config UI using the Operator Login Credentials.
  2. Under DOCUMENTATION > Errors you'll find the list of possible Error activation messages.

Error activation message is the message that is sent when the error occurred. Error resolution message (if any) is sent when the error is corrected.

3.1. tcpdump

tcpdump is a powerful command-line-based network diagnostic tool used to monitor and analyze network traffic. It captures data packets transmitted over a network.

Under SYSTEM > General you can select the type of network interface from which you want to capture packet data to a file. Choose Any to listen on all network interfaces.

Execute the tcdump:

  1. Under SYSTEM > General Start tcpdump run click on Start
  2. To Stop tcpdump run click on Stop
  • We advise you to set a specific network interface to prevent any unwanted information.
  • The tcpdump is not being stopped be a fort restart.