Remote service: The future has started

Commissioning is causing problems? The parameter setting is incorrect? The system requires a software update? Sometimes you just need qualified service support with technical equipment. When this involves equipment responsible for electrical safety, help usually has to be fast and efficient - by the time a service technician arrives on the scene, it may already be too late.

So what to do in case of an emergency? Bender offers uncomplicated and fast remote services for this. In this article, you will learn what they can do and that remote maintenance and the like with augmented reality is not just a dream of the future, but already a service reality today.

Why remote service also pays off financially

To say it right up front: The possibilities of remote service are manifold and not always easy to keep track of. In addition, safety concerns must be taken into account. Is company data really secure when service technicians log onto devices and systems from outside? Some companies are sceptical about remote services and prefer an on-site visit by the service technician. However, anyone who has used the Bender Remote Service with all its advantages will quickly realise how uncomplicated and secure the services can be from a distance. And that they are also financially worthwhile is clear anyway. This is because disruptions can usually be rectified much more quickly or even avoided altogether through preventive measures.

Which remote services are available

Remote services start with simple tasks, such as reading the fault memory and making a remote diagnosis. Automatic messages are also frequently used, which customers or service partners receive in the event of a fault by SMS, e-mail or phone call. Remote services become more complex when equipment and systems are maintained or repaired remotely. Specialised industry portals ensure the highest level of data security during communication and access to the end devices.

Which remote services Bender offers

Bender offers a wide range of remote services. But which service is the right one in each individual case? The service specialists at Bender provide advice on this in advance. All services and options are then specified in the respective service contracts.

At a glance: the remote services from Bender

  1. Fault memory readout and remote diagnosis
  2. Fault monitoring with automatic fault messages
  3. Remote maintenance and repair of equipment and installations
  4. Proactive maintenance via remote access
  5. Bender Guided Services: complex remote services with complete logging of the service process

Would you like to learn more about Bender Remote Services?

Bender's remote services also offer some technical highlights. These include, for example, the live translation function and special AR data glasses for optimal communication between the technician on site and the remote technician. For the future, Bender expects a significant increase in remote service assignments and the development of hybrid service cases. You can read exactly what this is and how companies benefit from Bender Remote Service in detail in Bender's customer magazine Monitor (click here to read the full story).

And of course the Bender service specialists are available to answer your questions. Use our contact form to send us your request.