Joint Managing Director Bender Inc.

David Knecht

What does the new company claim, "Design the future of energy", mean to you?

"The advanced environmental credentials of Bender and the inherent connectivity of its IoT friendly devices is already underpinning the case for Design the Future of Energy.

The focus on awareness of the present dangers of electricity and the risk that comes with the absence of electricity is still central to Bender’s philosophy, but we are now   centring that safety commitment around developing intelligent solutions to make electricity both safer and smarter.

That is readily evident in our SmartDetect platform. It is well ahead of competitors who are failing to recognise or embrace the move to digitisation.

Certain industries – particularly those in remote areas – are migrating to greener hybrid energy solutions and Bender Inc. has been very successful in supporting that. Many of our competitors don’t have the environmental ratings and compliance requirements that come as standard with products made in Europe.  Using our equipment can boost sustainability credentials and compliance.

We can provide smarter sustainable control of their energy resource, with enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability.  Product technologies such as Neptune offer cutting edge digitalisation and connectivity to provide actionable information that gives customers innovative and competitive advantages. 

Our SmartDetect series RCMS 410 with CP907 links to the cloud so it can be accessed remotely and integrated into building management systems.  Our  customers want that granular level of data, but they also need the knowhow to action it.  Customers also value the fact that they can call us and get someone on the phone – which is not the case with some faceless industrial giant. 

Design the Future of Energy is in sync with the fundamental shift in how people look at power.  Energy is now seen as an asset not a cost, and there is growing understanding that if you manage it efficiently with renewable resources, it is a strategic asset.  So as with any asset – the aim is getting the most out of it with no downtime. 

We sell to a lot of Engineering Planning Construction businesses that may also have the operation and maintenance contract for installations such as large solar fields. They are on the hook for failures and service calls and can be deploying dozens of people and spending thousands of dollars trying to locate faults.  We can remove that threat. 

We had an OEM using older equipment with dials, so it took 7 minutes to manually set each one, and every panel had more than 70 of these relays.  Our devices enable him to preload settings onto a phone, and it does all the programming for him.  The devices being programmed don’t even need to be energised.  Looking at the total cost of ownership easily overcomes any price difference with competitors by substantially reducing the cost of labour, installation and operation."