694 results:
[Translate to English:] Öffentliche Stromversorgung sicher überwachen


Safe monitoring of the public power supply

A failure or fault with the sensitive system in the power plant or transformer station can lead to massive follow-up costs. By using Bender devices and a consistent strategy, these faults can be…  
[Translate to English:] Regenerative Energien mit hoher Betriebssicherheit


Regenerative energies with high operational safety

Renewable energy will play an important role in the energy mix of the future. Bender solutions provide perfect electrical safety in these areas, e.g. photovoltaics or wind power. Early recognition of…  
[Translate to English:] Öl, Gas


Active damage prevention in the oil and gas industry

The challenge for the industry is to use technologies to guarantee reliable production and sustainable supply. Our products, systems and solutions to improve effectiveness and safety guarantee…  
[Translate to English:] Elektrische Sicherheit im Krankenhaus


Electrical safety in hospitals

The power supply in hospitals must be particularly reliable. Bender is specialist for a safe power supply in medical areas.  
[Translate to English:] Maschinenbau Branchenlösungen


Machine tool manufacturing sector solutions

Machine tool manufacturing | Bender - Your partner for electrical safety  


Electrical safety in machine tool manufacturing

The new EN ISO 14120 affects nearly all machine manufacturers. This machinery directive states that the safety objectives of the low voltage directive must be complied with. Bender supports this by…  


Inductive heating and hardening electrically safe

In the metalworking industry modern induction furnaces are used. By means of coils (inductors) these furnaces induce cyclones inside the metal workpiece to be heated. These furnaces are used, amongst…  


Hoisting technology and cranes without downtime

Many cranes and lifting equipment are forced to shut down if there is a problem with the power supply. Upcoming electrical problems are recognised early using Bender ISOMETER®s and/or fault current…  


High availability in the automotive industry

The automotive industry is one of the driving forces behind the overall economy in Europe. Any production downtime must be prevented at all costs. Potential electrical faults must be recognised early…  


Increasing the availability of packaging machines

Like the packaging industry, the food industry is a downstream economic branch where major parts of the products generated are processed. These include e.g. breweries, dairies, cooling systems, food…  
Search results 271 until 280 of 694

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