In this interview, we talk to the innovators from CUBOS and Bender about their successful partnership in the development of modern charging infrastructures and intelligent energy management systems. Find out how CUBOS and Bender are shaping the future of electromobility together and what visions they are pursuing for a sustainable energy supply.  

Be inspired by the exciting insights and anecdotes from their collaboration. 

About CUBOS: CUBOS is driving forward the commercial charging infrastructure and photovoltaics in combination with comprehensive energy management. The company relies on its own developments in operating and billing software as well as its own hardware. A patent for wallboxes that allow bidirectional charging has been filed. CUBOS plans, installs and maintains charging infrastructure and photovoltaic systems in the integrator model using its own specialised personnel. In addition, CUBOS enables SME (small and medium enterprises) to realise their projects without a high investment through rental options. With rapid growth, CUBOS is reducing its customers' CO2 emissions nationwide. 

How did the collaboration come about?

Bender: The collaboration came about when CUBOS was looking for a suitable charge controller for its own wallbox and turned to us. At that time, the CUBOS wallbox was still in the development phase. After detailed discussions, we recommended the Bender Charge Controller CC613. In the end, CUBOS opted for the Charge Controller and was able to successfully integrate it into its wallbox. 

CUBOS: CUBOS started installing wallboxes in 2020. However, we were not really impressed by the third-party products that were installed. Ferry Porsche's famous quote "I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams. So I built it myself" fits in quite well with our mentality and the high density of engineers in our group of companies. We quickly identified the Bender controller as the best possible centrepiece for our own hardware. In addition to compatibility, the decisive factor was a high functional density. 

How has the collaboration developed over time?

CUBOS: Bender has always been a reliable partner who has always taken us seriously, even in our early days. We not only built the hardware, but also programmed our own backend. Our development team appreciates the close and personal dialogue that has developed over time. It is perhaps also worth noting the anecdote that even during the supply difficulties caused by the pandemic, we were always supplied with the scarce good of charge controllers - in case of doubt after an intensive search of the back shelves.

Bender: Over the course of our partnership, a great development has taken place, which began with the successful integration of the CC613 into the CUBOS Wallbox. This opened the door to further joint projects, such as the CUBOS double loader. The variety of functions and features of the CC613 once again proved convincing and helped CUBOS to decide in favour of this charge controller for their next innovative project. 

What is your company's vision?

Bender: Our vision is to make electricity intelligent and safe. We firmly believe that both the use of electricity and its absence harbour potential dangers. That is why we work every day to develop innovative solutions worldwide that help to minimise these risks.

CUBOS: CUBOS strives to play a leading role in the energy management of the future. We want to offer solutions that combine photovoltaics and electromobility in an economically sensible and ecologically sustainable way for our customers. To this end, we will continue to bring our own product innovations to market maturity and, together with our partners such as Bender, achieve and defend a significant market share.

What convinced you to choose CUBOS/Bender as a partner?

CUBOS: As part of an internal benchmark test at the start of our wallbox development, we evaluated six charge controllers in terms of connectivity, pricing and support, among other things. We were particularly impressed and convinced by the CC613 from Bender. With this ideal charge controller as a basis, we have successfully realised our goal of offering the best solution for commercial charging infrastructures.

Bender: What convinced us about CUBOS as a partner is its broad positioning and comprehensive range of services. CUBOS not only acts as a manufacturer, but also offers services, which is of particular interest to us. Their ability to offer everything from a single source makes the collaboration extremely effective and efficient. We also appreciate the open communication and constructive cooperation during development. CUBOS always gave us constructive objections and suggestions, which contributed to a positive working atmosphere and successful projects.

"Our collaboration with Bender has shown that the charge controller is being continuously developed."

What specific advantages do you see in the partnership?

Bender: We see specific advantages in our partnership that result from the combination of our resources, expertise and networks. On the one hand, Bender contributes its extensive know-how in the field of electrical safety and intelligent power solutions, while CUBOS scores with its expertise in renewable energies and e-mobility. By sharing knowledge and experience, we can develop innovative solutions together and offer our customers added value. In addition, the partnership gives us access to new markets and opens up the opportunity to further expand our product and service portfolio.

CUBOS: Our collaboration with Bender has shown that the charge controller is being continuously developed to respond to dynamic market changes. We particularly appreciate the direct contact and technical support, which are crucial to continuously improving the product.

Can you give a specific example of a joint success or a challenging situation?

CUBOS: In the event that the existing power connection is not sufficient, we rely on Bender's efficient load management. We combine this technology with a photovoltaic system and our backend system, "cub.OS", which not only handles the billing of the charging infrastructure, but also the energy management of the building. This integration enables us to optimise both the economic efficiency and the performance of the charging equipment. Our customers in the hotel sector in particular benefit from this solution: It offers its guests an additional incentive and accelerates the amortisation of the photovoltaic systems.

What role do customer feedback and market requirements play in your strategic partnership?

Bender: Customer feedback and market requirements play a central role in our strategic partnership. Continuous feedback from our customers enables us to constantly improve our products and services and adapt them to the ever-changing needs of the market. This enables us to develop innovative solutions together with CUBOS that are precisely tailored to our customers' requirements. Customer feedback is therefore a key driver for the further development of our partnership and the success of our joint projects. 

CUBOS: In our product development, we attach great importance to taking our customers' feedback into account. Thanks to the adaptability of our backend software and the reliable support from Bender, which implements the necessary modifications to the charge controller promptly, we can optimally customise our products to our customers' needs.

How do you see the long-term prospects for this partnership?

We are convinced that the future of electromobility will be closely linked to local energy generation. It is therefore essential to simplify access and operation of the charging stations for users. To this end, we are currently evaluating the integration of credit card terminals and the implementation of Plug&Charge for our customers. These technological developments aim to simplify the charging of electric vehicles and significantly improve the user experience in order to further promote the acceptance and spread of electromobility.