Safe monitoring of rail vehicles

A safe power supply is essential for the reliable operation of railway vehicles.  

Find out how monitoring and fault location systems prevent failures and what role the right insulation monitoring devices play in this. 

Power supply for drive and auxiliary units

Locomotives and railcars generally require an electric drive. To ensure high availability, these are therefore often installed unearthed in order to maintain continued operation in the event of an initial fault. Monitoring and troubleshooting systems indicate the fault in order to prevent failures and simplify rectification. Permanent monitoring warns of faults and creeping deterioration in good time, even before critical conditions are reached.  


The insulation monitoring devices are resistant to shock, vibration and temperature, thus meeting the special environmental conditions in the railway environment.  

Earthed power supplies can also be protected with railway-compatible residual current monitoring and voltage relays.

Insulation fault location: Quick and easy solution

A combination of insulation monitoring systems with an integrated fault location system enables the maintenance technician to quickly identify the location of the indicated fault. Manual troubleshooting by switching on and off, which involves a great deal of effort, is therefore no longer necessary. This ensures reliable and cost-effective railway operations and the vehicles are quickly available for operation again.

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