
Transmission technology

Detect fault currents, prevent failures

For live broadcasts or recordings of events (sporting events, music events, conferences, etc.), the technology used must work without exception. Failures are a worst-case scenario and must be avoided.

A secure power supply is the basis for fail-safe live broadcasts and recordings of events. The power supply should therefore be protected against failures.*

With a Condition Monitor system, you can recognise creeping faults in the power supply at an early stage and thus avoid spontaneous shutdowns. The Condition Monitor System from Bender permanently monitors the power supply of broadcast vans and transmission technology for fault currents. Threshold values can be defined in the system that are not yet critical for the power supply, but trigger an alarm if they are exceeded. Technicians then have the opportunity to identify and replace the faulty devices or cables and a power supply failure during live transmissions or recordings is avoided.


Benefits for operators:

  •  Full overview of the status of the power supply at all times
  •  Early detection of spontaneous or creeping fault currents
  •  Greater safety against spontaneous shutdowns/failures
  •  Increased availability of your studio and media technology



* Hintergrund

In most cases, power supply failures are caused by insulation faults in mobile devices or in the power supply itself. These are caused, for example, by ageing components or the mechanical stress on cables. Insulation faults cause residual currents. If these are too high, the residual current circuit breaker will spontaneously switch off the power supply.

Safety for people and systems

Broadcasting major events is time-consuming because the setting is individual for each event. On the one hand, this leads to greater wear and tear on the technology used. In addition, cables are pulled, crushed, run over, stepped on and come into contact with equipment and structures. In the case of outdoor transmissions, weather influences such as humidity, rain, snow, puddles and sunlight also play a role.

The high stress can lead to insulation faults that cause dangerous residual currents. If these residual currents flow via the technology and stage structures or constructions, life-threatening contact voltages are generated.

In order to protect people and systems from the dangers of electric current, such situations must be prevented at all costs.

Continuous residual current monitoring makes it easy to detect fault currents in the transmission technology used. Even small changes caused by the connection of faulty cables or changes in conditions (e.g. the onset of rain during outdoor transmissions) can be identified. In this way, dangerous situations are recognised immediately and technicians can react before an electrical accident occurs or transmission technology is damaged.


Benefits for operators:

  •  Quick and reliable detection of fault currents
  •  Avoidance of dangerous situations
  •  Improved protection against the dangers of electric shock
  •  Improved system protection
  •  Easy overview of the status of the electrical system



The residual current monitoring system from Bender can be integrated into existing transmission technology.

Max Pieck, Vertrieb Bender HQ

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